Nettlecombe Farm holidays and fishing lakes, Isle of Wight
Nettlecombe Farm holidays and fishing lakes, Isle of Wight

Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath


Saturday 25th May, 4pm - 5pm 

We're thrilled to introduce Caroline from Ollogi Therapies to Nettlecombe Farm. With over 20 years of experience as a holistic therapist, Caroline is a true expert in her field. Specializing in Yoga, Pilates, Intuitive therapies, reflexology, and Face2Feet Treatments, she brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep passion for wellness to her practice.

Currently based in Whitsable, we're fortunate that Caroline will soon be making the move to the Isle of Wight. Her excitement about joining our community and sharing her expertise with us is palpable. At Nettlecombe, Caroline will be offering a diverse range of classes and therapies, catering to all levels and interests.

Caroline's approach to teaching is warm, welcoming, and inclusive, making her sessions ideal for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. With a focus on Yin Yoga, she brings a refreshing perspective to the ancient practice, tailored for today's fast-paced lifestyles.

As part of her offerings, Caroline will be leading regular sessions of Yoga Nidra and SoundBath at Nettlecombe. These immersive experiences promise deep relaxation and rejuvenation for both body and mind. Be sure to keep an eye on her timetable for upcoming classes—you won't want to miss out on the chance to embark on a journey towards holistic well-being with Caroline at Nettlecombe Farm.

Her inaugural event, taking place on Saturday, 6th April, will feature a Yoga Nidra and SoundBath workshop.

Immerse yourself in the blissful relaxation that both Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath provide, guided by Caroline from Ollogi Therapies.

Indulge in this soul-nourishing experience and join us for an unforgettable journey.

What exactly is Yoga Nidra? Well, the beauty of Yoga Nidra is that you don't need to be a yoga expert or particularly flexible to enjoy it. Nidra translates to "sleep," and a Yoga Nidra session is essentially a guided relaxation exercise. Throughout the process, you'll gracefully drift between various states of consciousness, seamlessly transitioning between wakefulness and slumber.

What are the benefits, you ask? From improved sleep to enhanced creativity, self-compassion, and stress relief, the advantages are plentiful. One of the most significant benefits lies in Yoga Nidra's ability to calm and soothe the nervous system, which in turn positively impacts other aspects of our well-being. By reducing heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels, Yoga Nidra aids in alleviating inflammation and bolstering the immune system.

During a Yoga Nidra session, expect to recline comfortably on a yoga mat, with optional cushions or bolsters for added support. You may find yourself drifting in and out of sleep, entering a liminal space where creativity flourishes and tranquility reigns supreme. Caroline seamlessly incorporates Yoga Nidra into her Yin Yoga classes, monthly Sound Bath Workshops at ShaktiDen, and Intuitive Body Therapy sessions, offering invaluable relaxation techniques for those in need.

Now, onto the Sound Bath experience. A Sound Bath harnesses the power of sound and vibration to facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Caroline's SoundBaths feature an enchanting array of Tibetan Singing Bowls, drums, rattles, chimes, and gongs, creating a symphony of therapeutic resonance.

Sound Baths induce a state of deep relaxation, harmonizing left and right brain functions and quieting the mind's chatter. During the session, you'll be enveloped in a tapestry of sounds, transporting you to a realm of serenity and tranquility. As the vibrations permeate your being, you'll drift in and out of consciousness, emerging with a profound sense of groundedness and connection.

Join us for an unforgettable journey of relaxation and rejuvenation with Caroline from Ollogi Therapies. It's an experience not to be missed, offering profound nourishment for your body, mind, and soul.


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